I have been writing. Really!
I've been slacking off on my writing blog. I admit it. I have been writing though. And thinking about writing and structure and plot and character development and all those fun, fun things! But I also have been doing a little of this:
Writing content for Amazon.com. Good times. This has been my primary source for dough for three full years now. And guess what? I'm about to re-up my contract as an independent contractor (i.e. freelance writer) for yet another year. To which I ask myself, "Are you mad?" Sure, I whine about my Amazon assignments all the time. You would too if you had to think up content about some of these things:

A log splitter!
A hose connection set!

A Ferrari projection clock!

A leopard-pattern hooded pet bed!

The Happy Dog Toys Bubble Kitty Cat Toy!

Lone Star Metal Detector!

Happy tableware set!

Rachael Ray fondue set!
AND, of course, these guys!

But for all my whining, I must admit that Amazon.com does pay good money, that I sometimes enjoy writing about this junk, that I have definitely learned about what you might use to reseed a lawn and what LCD stands for (liquid crystal display), and that I know more about grammar and style than before. This Amazon.com deal works for my erratic writing swings, frequent travel plans, occasional teaching gigs, and volunteer adventures. So, yes, sign me up for another year. Anything to keep the bills paid until A Bug Stuck in Amber comes to print. Don't you dare ask me when that will happen.
Lately, I've worked on drafting a new time line for the novel's plot to unfold. Right now, I'm not worrying about implementing new time line, but I've got two Publisher calendars: one for the time line that the book currently follows, and one for what I'd like it to ultimately follow. This detail stuff takes WAY too much time and I suspect no one will notice any lingering inconsistencies in the long run, aside from myself and my writer cronies. I've also been working on some decryption scenes where Sam, Ozzie, and Charlotte decipher a message left in a piece of music that Amber mailed before her suicide. Another task that takes WAY too much time. Word count progresses slowly, but this groundwork is essential as I start trying to tie up all the loose ends. That's the goal. Start tying them all up. All 100 of them. This thing is going to be epic. And great, I think.
As I sign off to walk around the block on a GORGEOUS spring day in Seattle, it occurs to me that I should probably put up a chapter synopsis and character outline to provide blog readers with some context for my novel ramblings. I shall work on that. Tomorrow.

A Ferrari projection clock!

A leopard-pattern hooded pet bed!

The Happy Dog Toys Bubble Kitty Cat Toy!

Lone Star Metal Detector!

Happy tableware set!

Rachael Ray fondue set!
AND, of course, these guys!

But for all my whining, I must admit that Amazon.com does pay good money, that I sometimes enjoy writing about this junk, that I have definitely learned about what you might use to reseed a lawn and what LCD stands for (liquid crystal display), and that I know more about grammar and style than before. This Amazon.com deal works for my erratic writing swings, frequent travel plans, occasional teaching gigs, and volunteer adventures. So, yes, sign me up for another year. Anything to keep the bills paid until A Bug Stuck in Amber comes to print. Don't you dare ask me when that will happen.
Lately, I've worked on drafting a new time line for the novel's plot to unfold. Right now, I'm not worrying about implementing new time line, but I've got two Publisher calendars: one for the time line that the book currently follows, and one for what I'd like it to ultimately follow. This detail stuff takes WAY too much time and I suspect no one will notice any lingering inconsistencies in the long run, aside from myself and my writer cronies. I've also been working on some decryption scenes where Sam, Ozzie, and Charlotte decipher a message left in a piece of music that Amber mailed before her suicide. Another task that takes WAY too much time. Word count progresses slowly, but this groundwork is essential as I start trying to tie up all the loose ends. That's the goal. Start tying them all up. All 100 of them. This thing is going to be epic. And great, I think.
As I sign off to walk around the block on a GORGEOUS spring day in Seattle, it occurs to me that I should probably put up a chapter synopsis and character outline to provide blog readers with some context for my novel ramblings. I shall work on that. Tomorrow.
Labels: adventures, amazon, novel, writing etc.
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